In the Beginning…

The information on this page has been compiled for use by healthcare practitioners and consumers in the United States and therefore neither Everyday Health or its licensor warrant that uses outside of the United States are appropriate, unless specifically indicated otherwise. (Flagyl ER) 200mg Metronidazole Over The Counter in Canada Depending on the clinical circumstances, INR monitoring may be increased for patients taking warfarin who are unwell enough to require antibiotics, regardless of the type of antibiotic used.

Newquist BS, AAS, CVT, in Small Animal Toxicology (Third Edition), 2013""A nitroimidazole used to treat amebiasis vaginitis trichomonas infections giardiasis anaerobic bacteria and treponemal infections.

Also, do not start taking amitriptyline if you stopped taking a MAOI in the last two weeks, unless told to do so by your doctor. Amitriptyline (elavil) Drug Class You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.In Canada - Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

This dropped to 18 and 34 percent, respectively, at the end of the study.

Rice District Community Hospital Employee Trust Fund – started in 1993 when an employee sent out a letter to all of her fellow employees asking for their help. The hospital was in financial trouble and this employee asked for each employee to donate $5.00 out of every pay check to go to a fund that would be used for updating the facility with new equipment and furnishings that the hospital itself could not afford. The majority of the staff signed up for the $5.00 withdrawal. This was kept going by some employees up until 1998.

Their first fundraiser was a bake sale where they raised enough money to buy paint, wallpaper and mini-blinds to give a much needed face lift to our hospital nursery.
Since then we have held many fundraisers:

  • Spook House
  • Back to School Carnival
  • Bake sales
  • Taco sales
  • Harvest Ball starting in 1996
  • RMC Classic starting in 1997
  • Brown Bag Hamburger Lunch starting in 1995 (starting in 1998 proceeds go to RHS scholarship)
  • Booth at the Prairie Chicken Festival
  • Antiquities Pictures
  • Tupperware Sales
  • Raffles – Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Trip (Several items were donated by the hospital employees)
  • Extravaganza and Craft Booths
  • Desserts at KC Meal Fundraiser
  • Vending machines at the hospital
  • Giving Tree of Life

When the Employee Trust fund would advertise their fundraisers, there were questions from the community about what the “Trust Fund” was all about. They said the name was misleading; it sounded like the money just went to the employees. Thus, in 1999 when we applied to become a 501C-4 we changed the name to Rice Medical Center Employee Volunteers for Hospital Improvement.

Rice Medical Center Employee Volunteers

Our Mission

We will endeavor to improve anything that impacts the quality of care to our patients or makes our hospital a better facility in which to work!

"Our" BIG Project!!!

An education building…

Not only “book learning” or “certification” education and training, but education that will benefit our entire community. Our goal is to create a facility and environment of learning which fosters excellence. A place where there is room to have the desired course of education presented successfully with all necessary teaching aids, demonstrations and equipment to be efficient, effective and excellent.

Our goal is to outfit this facility to reach a varied audience; not only hospital employees. We hope to host educational classes for the public, as well. Diabetes education is a major line of study that will be targeted. With a full kitchen included, even dietary and culinary skills may be addressed in this facility.

We will also build in adequate storage to house our emergency response equipment so that, if the unfortunate need arises, we will be swift in meeting the medical and safety needs of our community.

This facility is being funded by our wonderful donors like you! We are also in the process of applying for grants to assist us in reaching our goal.

We can use your help to make this goal a reality. Please consider donating to this worthy endeavor by sending your donation to:

Rice Medical Center Employee Volunteers
P.O. Box 277
Eagle Lake, TX 77434
Please write Education Building in the memo area

You may also want to sponsor a table or just come join us at the next Harvest Ball and have a delicious meal with an open bar, lots of fun and dancing.

GOAL = $500,000.00
Funds raised
$ 0

Past results...

Scholarship Dollars awarded to date:

$ 0

Harvest Ball Honorees

Harvest Ball Memories

Project Memories

Giving Tree of Life

RMC Employee Volunteers’ Giving Tree of Life enables individuals or businesses to memorialize or honor loved  ones and colleagues, as well as, support renovation and/or equipment projects by donating to our charitable RMC Employee Volunteer organization.


The engraved leaves and stones on The Giving Tree of Life can be personalized up to 4 lines with 20 characters per line. Click image to the right for a PDF brochure.


For more information or to purchase a memorial, contact:
Shelley Thompson (979) 232-7027



Donation Levels

Leaf: $225

Small Stone: $500

Medium Stone: $1,000

Large Stone: $2,000


Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Services include X-rays, Ultrasounds, CAT Scans, MRIs, Digital Mammograms and also perform special procedures that consist of biopsies, aspirations, thoracenthesis, paracenthesis, needle localization, barium procedures, arthrograms, myelograms, and some vascular studies.

Rice Medical Center has a new CAT Scan Unit. The GE Multislice 16 Slice Lightspeed CAT Scan has improved image quality, smaller slice thicknesses that gives more detailed information to the Radiologist and faster scan times.

We utilize a Digital Radiography (DR) system which uses x-ray-sensitive plates that directly capture data during the patient examination, immediately transferring it to a computer system without the use of cassette. The advantages include time efficiency, the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also, less radiation can be used, allows for immediate image preview and availability, as well as the ability to apply special image processing techniques that enhance overall display quality of the image. 

From the DR Console the images are sent to our PACS system (Picture archiving and communication system) which stores  the images on a server and allows the Radiologist and Physicians to view them on any computer. Along with Xrays; Mammograms, CAT Scans, MRIs and Ultrasounds are tied into the PACS. Ordering physicians on staff at Rice Medical Center are also able to view their patient films over the web on our secure site from their office.

"Our Family Caring for Yours"