Request a Telemedicine or In-Person Appointment with your Rice Medical Associates Provider

In order to request an appointment at RMA-EL or RMA-EB, please follow the three instructions below:

  1. Fill out this form and press SUBMIT
  2. Please wait for a member of the RMA staff to confirm your appointment. (via phone or email)
  3. Once confirmed, follow instructions by staff:
    • For Telehealth visits; you must be enrolled in the HealtheLife Patient Portal, login and access your appointment, Click the “JOIN VISIT” link , answer a few questions and get started
    • For In Person visits; check-in at the front desk, fill out any required paper work, you will be escorted directly to your treatment room.

Beginning in March 2015, we instituted a Telemedicine (Telehealth) program by which we provided primary care services to rural school districts and remote locations.

A Telehealth visit is a two-way video visit between the patient and the provider, enabling patient access to clinical healthcare from a distance.  Through our HIPAA compliant Rice Telemedicine Platform, Rice Medical Center and Rice Medical Associates provides healthcare to patients by eliminating the hurdles of distance.  

Rice Telemedicine program provides local access to specialists across the state (or anywhere with an Internet connection).  These include Primary Care, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Cardiology, Geriatrics and Pediatrics within our clinic-based, school-based and long-term care-based programs.

One of our long-term telemedicine partnerships has been providing primary care and urgent care services to the residential Texas ChalleNGe Academy.

We look forward to the future of Telemedicine and the advantages that it will afford our community.


September 2016, Psychiatric services were added to our telemedicine offerings when Dr. Prashant Gajwani, MD, joined our team.  Dr. Gajwani is a board-certified psychiatrist and medical director of the Solace Center in Sugarland, TX.

For appointments with Dr. Gajwani, please have a referral from your Primary Care Provider and contact:
Nancy Castillo at (979) 232-7096


Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Services include X-rays, Ultrasounds, CAT Scans, MRIs, Digital Mammograms and also perform special procedures that consist of biopsies, aspirations, thoracenthesis, paracenthesis, needle localization, barium procedures, arthrograms, myelograms, and some vascular studies.

Rice Medical Center has a new CAT Scan Unit. The GE Multislice 16 Slice Lightspeed CAT Scan has improved image quality, smaller slice thicknesses that gives more detailed information to the Radiologist and faster scan times.

We utilize a Digital Radiography (DR) system which uses x-ray-sensitive plates that directly capture data during the patient examination, immediately transferring it to a computer system without the use of cassette. The advantages include time efficiency, the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also, less radiation can be used, allows for immediate image preview and availability, as well as the ability to apply special image processing techniques that enhance overall display quality of the image. 

From the DR Console the images are sent to our PACS system (Picture archiving and communication system) which stores  the images on a server and allows the Radiologist and Physicians to view them on any computer. Along with Xrays; Mammograms, CAT Scans, MRIs and Ultrasounds are tied into the PACS. Ordering physicians on staff at Rice Medical Center are also able to view their patient films over the web on our secure site from their office.

"Our Family Caring for Yours"